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WV SOS Voter Information Register to Vote Online - Election Information You Need GoVoteWV - Online Voter Tools WV 2022 Elections Calendar (pdf) WV DELEGATES - detailed information WV STATE SENATORS - detailed information JOE MANCHIN - WV Senator SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO - WV Senator |
REGISTER TO VOTEYou may register to vote in West Virginia if you are a U.S. citizen and a resident of the county in which you register. You must be at least 17 years old, and 18 before the next General Election. (Seventeen year olds may register and vote in primary elections, if they turn 18 by the next General Election.)
You may register at any time. However, to be eligible to vote in a specific election, you must register 21 days before that election. You may register to vote at the County Clerk’s office in the county in which you reside. Use the link below to find the location of the clerk’s office in your county: You may also register at the Division of Motor Vehicles and other designated state offices. You may register by mail by requesting an application from the Secretary of State or county clerk or by downloading the form from the Secretary of State’s website. For more information about voter registration requirements, visit the website at: Why it matters: Election rules differ state by state, and sometimes change from year to year. Using, voters can confirm their polling location, check if ID is required, and see what their personal ballot will look like. Confirming this information before heading to the polls saves voters time and helps voters make more informed decisions. What we are doing: We have long been a trusted source of objective and nonpartisan election information. Since 2006, has served tens of millions of voters. By entering one’s home address on, voters can see ballot questions they will be voting on, compare candidate responses to League questions and much more! |
the League of Women Voters of Jefferson County |
[email protected] |
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