Thank you for your interest in joining the League of Women Voters! When you join the League, you will be a member at all levels - local, state, and national. Dues are sliding scale, with a recommended rate of $75 per person.
To learn more about League membership, visit
If you have any questions, you can reach out to [email protected] . To get started, click the "JOIN NOW" button.
To learn more about League membership, visit
If you have any questions, you can reach out to [email protected] . To get started, click the "JOIN NOW" button.

The League of Women Voters is the organization where hands-on work to safeguard democracy leads to civic improvement. Add your voice to over 100,000 League members and supporters across the country in making democracy work. Questions? Email us at league@lwv-jcwv
- JOIN or RENEW your membership online, with online payment.
- JOIN or RENEW your membership online, or mail in your payment.
We are:
-Acting as a force to create positive, lasting change in our communities
-Empowering millions of voters to protect their right to vote.
-Educating citizens and fostering dialogue on pertinent issues - from healthcare and climate change to openness in government.
-Working to ensure that ALL votes are counted and ALL voices are heard.
-Preserving our constitutional rights.
-Working together to make democracy work!
We believe that sensible, responsible civil discourse and action based on substance rather than partisanship is essential for civic improvement. We believe that with leaders like you, we can make democracy work.
Join The League of Women Voters of Jefferson County, West Virginia
You can fill out the the NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION if you would like to send a check via mail.
Our mailing address is: LWVJC PO Box 1396 Shepherdstown, WV 25443 Make your check payable to LWVJC JOIN or RENEW
(click button or link below) Click button above to download the NEW MEMBRSHIP APPLICATATION. Mail it to:
LWVJC PO Box 1396, Shepherdstown WV 25443 Questions? Email us at league@lwv-jcwv MEMBERSHIP Membership is open to all 16 years or older. hank you for your interest in joining the League of Women Voters! When you join the League, you will be a member at all levels - local, state, and national. Dues are sliding scale, with a recommended rate of $75 per person. To learn more about League membership, visit If you have any questions, you can reach out to the local league at [email protected] You can mail your check and/or money order, along with our Membership Application. Click button at the bottom to print out form. League of Women Voters of Jefferson County PO BOX 1393 Shepherdstown, WV 25443 |
LWVJC 2021 BYLAWS LWVJC 2021 BYLAWS LWV West Virginia LWVWV Website
Membership in the League of Women Voters of West Virginia may be obtained through national, state, or local channels. Members joining any one level of the League automatically become part of the entire League of Women Voters Network. LWVUS -NATIONAL The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization, with its national office in Washington, DC, and local and state Leagues in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands. |
Membership in the League of Women Voters of Jefferson County WV includes membership in the
LWV United States
LWV West Virginia.
How are your dues used? (PDF file opens in a new window)
Join us and be part of the solution! Our community needs leaders like you to help ensure that our community is a strong, safe and vibrant place to live.
Contact us at [email protected]
LWV United States
LWV West Virginia.
How are your dues used? (PDF file opens in a new window)
Join us and be part of the solution! Our community needs leaders like you to help ensure that our community is a strong, safe and vibrant place to live.
Contact us at [email protected]